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cognite.neat._session._create.CreateAPI #

Create new data model based on the given data.

enterprise_model(data_model_id, org_name='CopyOf', dummy_property='GUID') #

Uses the current data model as a basis to create enterprise data model


Name Type Description Default
data_model_id DataModelIdentifier

The enterprise data model id that is being created

org_name str

Organization name to use for the views in the enterprise data model.

dummy_property str

The dummy property to use as placeholder for the views in the new data model.


What does this function do? 1. It creates a new view for each view in the current data model that implements the view it is based on. 2. If dummy_property is set, it will create a container with one property for each view and connect the view to the container. 3. It will repeat all connection properties in the new views and update the ValueTypes to match the new views.

Enterprise Data Model Creation

Always create an enterprise data model from a Cognite Data Model as this will assure all the Cognite Data Fusion applications to run smoothly, such as - Search - Atlas AI - Infield - Canvas - Maintain - Charts

solution_model(data_model_id, direct_property='enterprise', view_prefix='Enterprise') #

Uses the current data model as a basis to create solution data model


Name Type Description Default
data_model_id DataModelIdentifier

The solution data model id that is being created.

direct_property str

The property to use for the direct connection between the views in the solution data model and the enterprise data model.

view_prefix str

The prefix to use for the views in the enterprise data model.


What does this function do? 1. It will create two new views for each view in the current data model. The first view will be read-only and prefixed with the 'view_prefix'. The second view will be writable and have one property that connects to the read-only view named 'direct_property'. 2. It will repeat all connection properties in the new views and update the ValueTypes to match the new views. 3. Each writable view will have a container with the single property that connects to the read-only view.

Solution Data Model Mode

The read-only solution model will only be able to read from the existing containers from the enterprise data model, therefore the solution data model will not have containers in the solution data model space. Meaning the solution data model views will be read-only.

The write mode will have additional containers in the solution data model space, allowing in addition to read through the solution model views, also writing to the containers in the solution data model space.

data_product_model(data_model_id, include='same-space') #

Uses the current data model as a basis to create data product data model.

A data product model is a data model that ONLY maps to containers and do not use implements. This is typically used for defining the data in a data product.

What does this function do? 1. It creates a new view for each view in the current data model. The new views uses the same filter as the view it is based on. 2. It will repeat all connection properties in the new views and update the ValueTypes to match the new views.


Name Type Description Default
data_model_id DataModelIdentifier

The data product data model id that is being created.

include Literal['same-space', 'all']

The views to include in the data product data model. Can be either "same-space" or "all". If you set same-space, only the properties of the views in the same space as the data model will be included.
