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cognite.neat._issues #

This is module contains all the Neat Exceptions (Errors) and Warnings as well as some helper classes to handle them like NeatIssueList

DefaultWarning dataclass #

Bases: NeatWarning

{category}: {warning}

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class DefaultWarning(NeatWarning):
    """{category}: {warning}"""

    extra = "Source: {source}"

    warning: str
    category: str
    source: str | None = None

    def from_warning_message(cls, warning: WarningMessage) -> NeatWarning:
        if isinstance(warning.message, NeatWarning):
            return warning.message

        return cls(

    def as_message(self, include_type: bool = True) -> str:
        return str(self.warning)

IssueList #

Bases: NeatIssueList[NeatIssue]

This is a list of NeatIssues.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class IssueList(NeatIssueList[NeatIssue]):
    """This is a list of NeatIssues."""

    def _repr_html_(self) -> str | None:
        if not self:
            return "<p>'No issues found'</p>"
        df = self.to_pandas()
        agg_df = df["NeatIssue"].value_counts().to_frame()
        if len(agg_df) < 10:
            return agg_df._repr_html_()  # type: ignore[operator]
            return agg_df.head()._repr_html_()  # type: ignore[operator]

MultiValueError #

Bases: ValueError

This is a container for multiple errors.

It is used in the pydantic field_validator/model_validator to collect multiple errors, which can then be caught in a try-except block and returned as an IssueList.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class MultiValueError(ValueError):
    """This is a container for multiple errors.

    It is used in the pydantic field_validator/model_validator to collect multiple errors, which
    can then be caught in a try-except block and returned as an IssueList.


    def __init__(self, errors: Sequence[NeatIssue]):
        self.errors = list(errors)

NeatError dataclass #

Bases: NeatIssue, Exception

This is the base class for all exceptions (errors) used in Neat.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class NeatError(NeatIssue, Exception):
    """This is the base class for all exceptions (errors) used in Neat."""

    def from_pydantic_errors(cls, errors: list[ErrorDetails], **kwargs) -> "list[NeatError]":
        """Convert a list of pydantic errors to a list of Error instances.

        This is intended to be overridden in subclasses to handle specific error types.
        all_errors: list[NeatError] = []
        read_info_by_sheet = kwargs.get("read_info_by_sheet")

        for error in errors:
            if error["type"] == "is_instance_of" and error["loc"][1] == "is-instance[SheetList]":
                # Skip the error for SheetList, as it is not relevant for the user. This is an
                # internal class used to have helper methods for a lists as .to_pandas()
            ctx = error.get("ctx")
            if isinstance(ctx, dict) and isinstance(multi_error := ctx.get("error"), MultiValueError):
                if read_info_by_sheet:
                    for caught_error in multi_error.errors:
                        cls._adjust_row_numbers(caught_error, read_info_by_sheet)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                all_errors.extend(multi_error.errors)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            elif isinstance(ctx, dict) and isinstance(single_error := ctx.get("error"), NeatError):
                if read_info_by_sheet:
                    cls._adjust_row_numbers(single_error, read_info_by_sheet)
            elif len(error["loc"]) >= 4 and read_info_by_sheet:
                all_errors.append(RowError.from_pydantic_error(error, read_info_by_sheet))
        return all_errors

    def _adjust_row_numbers(caught_error: "NeatError", read_info_by_sheet: dict[str, SpreadsheetRead]) -> None:
        from cognite.neat._issues.errors._properties import PropertyDefinitionDuplicatedError
        from cognite.neat._issues.errors._resources import ResourceNotDefinedError

        reader = read_info_by_sheet.get("Properties", SpreadsheetRead())

        if isinstance(caught_error, PropertyDefinitionDuplicatedError) and caught_error.location_name == "rows":
            adjusted_row_number = (
                    reader.adjusted_row_number(row_no) if isinstance(row_no, int) else row_no
                    for row_no in caught_error.locations or []
                or None
            # The error is frozen, so we have to use __setattr__ to change the row number
            object.__setattr__(caught_error, "locations", adjusted_row_number)
        elif isinstance(caught_error, RowError):
            # Adjusting the row number to the actual row number in the spreadsheet
            new_row = reader.adjusted_row_number(caught_error.row)
            # The error is frozen, so we have to use __setattr__ to change the row number
            object.__setattr__(caught_error, "row", new_row)
        elif isinstance(caught_error, ResourceNotDefinedError):
            if isinstance(caught_error.row_number, int) and caught_error.sheet_name == "Properties":
                new_row = reader.adjusted_row_number(caught_error.row_number)
                object.__setattr__(caught_error, "row_number", new_row)

from_pydantic_errors(errors, **kwargs) classmethod #

Convert a list of pydantic errors to a list of Error instances.

This is intended to be overridden in subclasses to handle specific error types.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def from_pydantic_errors(cls, errors: list[ErrorDetails], **kwargs) -> "list[NeatError]":
    """Convert a list of pydantic errors to a list of Error instances.

    This is intended to be overridden in subclasses to handle specific error types.
    all_errors: list[NeatError] = []
    read_info_by_sheet = kwargs.get("read_info_by_sheet")

    for error in errors:
        if error["type"] == "is_instance_of" and error["loc"][1] == "is-instance[SheetList]":
            # Skip the error for SheetList, as it is not relevant for the user. This is an
            # internal class used to have helper methods for a lists as .to_pandas()
        ctx = error.get("ctx")
        if isinstance(ctx, dict) and isinstance(multi_error := ctx.get("error"), MultiValueError):
            if read_info_by_sheet:
                for caught_error in multi_error.errors:
                    cls._adjust_row_numbers(caught_error, read_info_by_sheet)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            all_errors.extend(multi_error.errors)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        elif isinstance(ctx, dict) and isinstance(single_error := ctx.get("error"), NeatError):
            if read_info_by_sheet:
                cls._adjust_row_numbers(single_error, read_info_by_sheet)
        elif len(error["loc"]) >= 4 and read_info_by_sheet:
            all_errors.append(RowError.from_pydantic_error(error, read_info_by_sheet))
    return all_errors

NeatIssue dataclass #

This is the base class for all exceptions and warnings (issues) used in Neat.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class NeatIssue:
    """This is the base class for all exceptions and warnings (issues) used in Neat."""

    extra: ClassVar[str | None] = None
    fix: ClassVar[str | None] = None

    def as_message(self, include_type: bool = True) -> str:
        """Return a human-readable message for the issue."""
        template = self.__doc__
        if not template:
            return "Missing"
        variables, has_all_optional = self._get_variables()

        msg = template.format(**variables)
        if self.extra and has_all_optional:
            msg += "\n" + self.extra.format(**variables)
        if self.fix:
            msg += f"\nFix: {self.fix.format(**variables)}"
        if include_type:
            name = type(self).__name__
            msg = f"{name}: {msg}"
        return msg

    def _get_variables(self) -> tuple[dict[str, str], bool]:
        variables: dict[str, str] = {}
        has_all_optional = True
        for name, var_ in vars(self).items():
            if var_ is None:
                has_all_optional = False
            elif isinstance(var_, str):
                variables[name] = var_
            elif isinstance(var_, Path):
                variables[name] = var_.as_posix()
            elif isinstance(var_, Collection):
                variables[name] = humanize_collection(var_)
                variables[name] = repr(var_)
        return variables, has_all_optional

    def dump(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary representation of the issue."""
        variables = vars(self)
        output = {
            to_camel(key): self._dump_value(value)
            for key, value in variables.items()
            if not (value is None or key.startswith("_"))
        output["NeatIssue"] = type(self).__name__
        return output

    def _dump_value(cls, value: Any) -> list | int | bool | float | str | dict:
        from cognite.neat._rules.models.entities import Entity

        if isinstance(value, str | int | bool | float):
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, frozenset):
            return [cls._dump_value(item) for item in value]
        elif isinstance(value, Path):
            return value.as_posix()
        elif isinstance(value, tuple):
            return [cls._dump_value(item) for item in value]
        elif isinstance(value, ViewId | ContainerId):
            return value.dump(camel_case=True, include_type=True)
        elif isinstance(value, Entity):
            return value.dump()
        elif isinstance(value, PropertyId):
            return value.dump(camel_case=True)
        elif isinstance(value, DataModelId):
            return value.dump(camel_case=True, include_type=False)
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type: {type(value)}")

    def load(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> "NeatIssue":
        """Create an instance of the issue from a dictionary."""
        from cognite.neat._issues.errors import _NEAT_ERRORS_BY_NAME, NeatValueError
        from cognite.neat._issues.warnings import _NEAT_WARNINGS_BY_NAME

        if "NeatIssue" not in data:
            raise NeatValueError("The data does not contain a NeatIssue key.")
        issue_type = data.pop("NeatIssue")
        args = {to_snake(key): value for key, value in data.items()}
        if issue_type in _NEAT_ERRORS_BY_NAME:
            return cls._load_values(_NEAT_ERRORS_BY_NAME[issue_type], args)
        elif issue_type in _NEAT_WARNINGS_BY_NAME:
            return cls._load_values(_NEAT_WARNINGS_BY_NAME[issue_type], args)
            raise NeatValueError(f"Unknown issue type: {issue_type}")

    def _load_values(cls, neat_issue_cls: "type[NeatIssue]", data: dict[str, Any]) -> "NeatIssue":
        args: dict[str, Any] = {}
        for f in fields(neat_issue_cls):
            if not in data:
            value = data[]
            args[] = cls._load_value(f.type, value)
        return neat_issue_cls(**args)

    def _load_value(cls, type_: Any, value: Any) -> Any:
        from cognite.neat._rules.models.entities import Entity

        if isinstance(type_, UnionType) or get_origin(type_) is UnionType:
            args = get_args(type_)
            return cls._load_value(args[0], value)
        elif type_ is frozenset or get_origin(type_) is frozenset:
            subtype = get_args(type_)[0]
            return frozenset(cls._load_value(subtype, item) for item in value)
        elif type_ is Path:
            return Path(value)
        elif type_ is tuple or get_origin(type_) is tuple:
            subtype = get_args(type_)[0]
            return tuple(cls._load_value(subtype, item) for item in value)
        elif type_ is ViewId:
            return ViewId.load(value)
        elif type_ is DataModelId:
            return DataModelId.load(value)
        elif type_ is PropertyId:
            return PropertyId.load(value)
        elif type_ is ContainerId:
            return ContainerId.load(value)
        elif inspect.isclass(type_) and issubclass(type_, Entity):
            return type_.load(value)
        return value

    def __lt__(self, other: "NeatIssue") -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, NeatIssue):
            return NotImplemented
        return (type(self).__name__, self.as_message()) < (type(other).__name__, other.as_message())

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, NeatIssue):
            return NotImplemented
        return (type(self).__name__, self.as_message()) == (type(other).__name__, other.as_message())

as_message(include_type=True) #

Return a human-readable message for the issue.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def as_message(self, include_type: bool = True) -> str:
    """Return a human-readable message for the issue."""
    template = self.__doc__
    if not template:
        return "Missing"
    variables, has_all_optional = self._get_variables()

    msg = template.format(**variables)
    if self.extra and has_all_optional:
        msg += "\n" + self.extra.format(**variables)
    if self.fix:
        msg += f"\nFix: {self.fix.format(**variables)}"
    if include_type:
        name = type(self).__name__
        msg = f"{name}: {msg}"
    return msg

dump() #

Return a dictionary representation of the issue.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def dump(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Return a dictionary representation of the issue."""
    variables = vars(self)
    output = {
        to_camel(key): self._dump_value(value)
        for key, value in variables.items()
        if not (value is None or key.startswith("_"))
    output["NeatIssue"] = type(self).__name__
    return output

load(data) classmethod #

Create an instance of the issue from a dictionary.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def load(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> "NeatIssue":
    """Create an instance of the issue from a dictionary."""
    from cognite.neat._issues.errors import _NEAT_ERRORS_BY_NAME, NeatValueError
    from cognite.neat._issues.warnings import _NEAT_WARNINGS_BY_NAME

    if "NeatIssue" not in data:
        raise NeatValueError("The data does not contain a NeatIssue key.")
    issue_type = data.pop("NeatIssue")
    args = {to_snake(key): value for key, value in data.items()}
    if issue_type in _NEAT_ERRORS_BY_NAME:
        return cls._load_values(_NEAT_ERRORS_BY_NAME[issue_type], args)
    elif issue_type in _NEAT_WARNINGS_BY_NAME:
        return cls._load_values(_NEAT_WARNINGS_BY_NAME[issue_type], args)
        raise NeatValueError(f"Unknown issue type: {issue_type}")

NeatIssueList #

Bases: list, Sequence[T_NeatIssue], ABC

This is a generic list of NeatIssues.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class NeatIssueList(list, Sequence[T_NeatIssue], ABC):
    """This is a generic list of NeatIssues."""

    def __init__(
        self, issues: Sequence[T_NeatIssue] | None = None, title: str | None = None, action: str | None = None
        super().__init__(issues or [])
        self.title = title
        self.action = action

    def errors(self) -> Self:
        """Return all the errors in this list."""
        return type(self)([issue for issue in self if isinstance(issue, NeatError)])  # type: ignore[misc]

    def has_errors(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if this list contains any errors."""
        return any(isinstance(issue, NeatError) for issue in self)

    def warnings(self) -> Self:
        """Return all the warnings in this list."""
        return type(self)([issue for issue in self if isinstance(issue, NeatWarning)])  # type: ignore[misc]

    def has_error_type(self, error_type: type[NeatError]) -> bool:
        """Return True if this list contains any errors of the given type."""
        return any(isinstance(issue, error_type) for issue in self)

    def as_errors(self, operation: str = "Operation failed") -> ExceptionGroup:
        """Return an ExceptionGroup with all the errors in this list."""
        return ExceptionGroup(
            [issue for issue in self if isinstance(issue, NeatError)],

    def trigger_warnings(self) -> None:
        """Trigger all warnings in this list."""
        for warning in [issue for issue in self if isinstance(issue, NeatWarning)]:
            warnings.warn(warning, stacklevel=2)

    def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Return a pandas DataFrame representation of this list."""
        return pd.DataFrame([issue.dump() for issue in self])

    def _repr_html_(self) -> str | None:
        return self.to_pandas()._repr_html_()  # type: ignore[operator]

    def as_exception(self) -> "MultiValueError":
        """Return a MultiValueError with all the errors in this list."""
        return MultiValueError(self.errors)

errors: Self property #

Return all the errors in this list.

has_errors: bool property #

Return True if this list contains any errors.

warnings: Self property #

Return all the warnings in this list.

has_error_type(error_type) #

Return True if this list contains any errors of the given type.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def has_error_type(self, error_type: type[NeatError]) -> bool:
    """Return True if this list contains any errors of the given type."""
    return any(isinstance(issue, error_type) for issue in self)

as_errors(operation='Operation failed') #

Return an ExceptionGroup with all the errors in this list.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def as_errors(self, operation: str = "Operation failed") -> ExceptionGroup:
    """Return an ExceptionGroup with all the errors in this list."""
    return ExceptionGroup(
        [issue for issue in self if isinstance(issue, NeatError)],

trigger_warnings() #

Trigger all warnings in this list.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def trigger_warnings(self) -> None:
    """Trigger all warnings in this list."""
    for warning in [issue for issue in self if isinstance(issue, NeatWarning)]:
        warnings.warn(warning, stacklevel=2)

to_pandas() #

Return a pandas DataFrame representation of this list.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Return a pandas DataFrame representation of this list."""
    return pd.DataFrame([issue.dump() for issue in self])

as_exception() #

Return a MultiValueError with all the errors in this list.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def as_exception(self) -> "MultiValueError":
    """Return a MultiValueError with all the errors in this list."""
    return MultiValueError(self.errors)

NeatWarning dataclass #

Bases: NeatIssue, UserWarning

This is the base class for all warnings used in Neat.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
class NeatWarning(NeatIssue, UserWarning):
    """This is the base class for all warnings used in Neat."""

    def from_warning(cls, warning: WarningMessage) -> "NeatWarning":
        """Create a NeatWarning from a WarningMessage."""
        return DefaultWarning.from_warning_message(warning)

from_warning(warning) classmethod #

Create a NeatWarning from a WarningMessage.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def from_warning(cls, warning: WarningMessage) -> "NeatWarning":
    """Create a NeatWarning from a WarningMessage."""
    return DefaultWarning.from_warning_message(warning)

catch_issues(issues, error_cls=NeatError, warning_cls=NeatWarning, error_args=None) #

This is an internal help function to handle issues and warnings.


Name Type Description Default
issues IssueList

The issues list to append to.

error_cls type[NeatError]

The class used to convert errors to issues.

warning_cls type[NeatWarning]

The class used to convert warnings to issues.



Name Type Description
FutureResult Iterator[FutureResult]

A future result object that can be used to check the result of the context manager.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def catch_issues(
    issues: IssueList,
    error_cls: type[NeatError] = NeatError,
    warning_cls: type[NeatWarning] = NeatWarning,
    error_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> Iterator[FutureResult]:
    """This is an internal help function to handle issues and warnings.

        issues: The issues list to append to.
        error_cls: The class used to convert errors to issues.
        warning_cls:  The class used to convert warnings to issues.

        FutureResult: A future result object that can be used to check the result of the context manager.
    with catch_warnings(issues, warning_cls):
        future_result = FutureResult()
            yield future_result
        except ValidationError as e:
            issues.extend(error_cls.from_pydantic_errors(e.errors(), **(error_args or {})))
            future_result._result = "failure"
        except MultiValueError as e:
            future_result._result = "failure"
        except NeatError as e:
            future_result._result = "failure"
            future_result._result = "success"

catch_warnings(issues=None, warning_cls=DefaultWarning) #

Catch warnings and append them to the issues list.

Source code in cognite/neat/_issues/
def catch_warnings(
    issues: IssueList | None = None,
    warning_cls: type[NeatWarning] = DefaultWarning,
) -> Iterator[None]:
    """Catch warnings and append them to the issues list."""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_logger:
            yield None
            if warning_logger and issues is not None:
                issues.extend([warning_cls.from_warning(warning) for warning in warning_logger])  # type: ignore[misc]