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cognite.neat._session._set.SetAPI #

Used to change the name of the data model from a data model id defined by neat to a user specified name.

data_model_id(new_model_id, name=None) #

Sets the data model ID of the latest verified data model. Set the data model id as a tuple of strings following the template (, , ).


Name Type Description Default
new_model_id DataModelId | tuple[str, str, str]

The new data model id.

name str

The display name of the data model. If not set, the external ID will be used to generate the name.


Set a new data model id:

neat.set.data_model_id(("my_data_model_space", "My_Data_Model", "v1"))
neat.set.data_model_id(("my_data_model_space", "MyDataModel", "v1"), name="My Data Model")

client(client) #

Sets the client to be used in the session.