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neat is distributed as a Python package and as a docker image. These two distributions have different use cases:

  • Developing custom workflows: Python this enables you to import parts of neat to use in your workflow.
  • Experimenting: Python or Docker whichever you are the most comfortable.
  • Running in production: Docker. This ensures that you have the correct version of all neat dependencies.

Python package#

Prerequisites: Installed Python 3.11, see

  1. Create and enter directory for neat installation
  2. Create a virtual environment:
  3. Activate your virtual environment
  4. Install cognite-neat
  5. Setup configuration
  6. Run neat

mkdir neat && cd neat
python -m venv venv
pip install cognite-neat

mkdir neat && cd neat
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install cognite-neat


Prerequisites: Installed Docker, see for installation instructions.

Run latest neat version from Docker Hub#

docker run -p 8000:8000 --name neat cognite/neat:latest

Run neat with mounted local file system

Create a directory for storing neat data. This directory will be mounted into the container and used neat as local data store. This is useful if you want to persist data between restarts of the container or if you want access to the data outside of the container.

Example of creating a directory for storing neat data on Linux/Mac:

mkdir /tmp/neat-data

Start container with volume mount :

docker run -p 8000:8000 --name neat -v /tmp/neat-data:/app/data  cognite/neat:latest

Open neat in your browser: http://localhost:8000


neat has a global configuration which most importantly contains the credentials for connecting to CDF. In addition, it also controls behavior such as logging, and storing and downloading of workflows.

The configuration can be provided as a file, config.yaml, or environmental variables. The recommended choice is to use the configuration file.

Prerequisite to creat a configuration

  1. Create a service principal in Azure AD.
  2. Setup dataset(s) for neat.
  3. Scope the access (capabilities in CDF) for these dataset(s).

Follow this guide to create a service principal.

Follow this guide to create a dataset.

neat typically use multiple datasets. Each set of transformation rules typically has its own dataset, which used to store the CDF resources produced by the workflow using that transformation rules. This dataset is set in the metadata sheet in the spreadsheet.

In addition, neat has a default dataset which is used for storing neat workflows and workflows runs. This dataset is set in the configuation under the key 'cdf_default_dataset_id'.

It is recommended that you have one dataset for each of these uses in production, but for development and experiment purposes it is ok to use one dataset. You just have to ensure that this dataset has all the necessary capabilities.

Follow this guide to add capabilities.

The requires capabilites depends on the workflow you are running. See for example, the Sheet to CDF Graph Workflow.

The default dataset needs the following capabilities

Capability Type Action Scope Description
Events events:read, events:write Datasets Log workflow runs
Files files:read, files:write, files:read Datasets List, store, and read workflows

File config.yaml#

When neat starts up it looks for config.yaml in the directory you start up. You can control the location of this file with the environmental variable NEAT_CONFIG_PATH.

An example config.yaml file, which you can download here

    project: get-power-grid
    client_id: ca4b8f9c6-7d6e-4d7b-9cf3-6d4a32f8b7e1
    client_secret: Zy7!nM4cFp9sH3gR6tB8kL0oP7eU6wD5vQ4zN9yF
    timeout: 60
    max_workers: 3

workflows_store_type: file
cdf_default_dataset_id: 3931920688237191
    - tag:grid
log_level: DEBUG


You can load the configuration from the environment instead of file by setting the environmental variable NEAT_CDF_PROJECT. If this environment variable exists, then all the rest of the configuration

Configuration Variables#

yaml Variable Name ENV variable name Description Example
cdf_client.project NEAT_CDF_PROJECT The CDF Project. get-power-grid
cdf_client.client_id NEAT_CDF_CLIENT_ID The service principal client ID. a4b8f9c6-7d6e-4d7b-9cf3-6d4a32f8b7e1
cdf_client.client_secret NEAT_CDF_CLIENT_SECRET The service principal client secret. Zy7!nM4cFp9sH3gR6tB8kL0oP7eU6wD5vQ4zN9yF
cdf_client.client_name NEAT_CDF_CLIENT_NAME The service principal client name. neat
cdf_client.base_url NEAT_CDF_BASE_URL The base URL of the CDF project
cdf_client.scopes NEAT_CDF_SCOPES List of scopes
cdf_client.token_url NEAT_CDF_TOKEN_URL Auth provider token URL
cdf_client.timeout NEAT_CDF_CLIENT_TIMEOUT The timeout for the CDF client (seconds). 60
cdf_client.max_workers NEAT_CDF_CLIENT_MAX_WORKERS The maximum number of workers for the CDF client. 3
workflow_store_type NEAT_WORKFLOWS_STORE_TYPE How to store workflows, file, cdf, or url file
workflow_store_path NEAT_DATA_PATH Location for neat to store workflows, data, and configurations /data
cdf_default_dataset_id NEAT_CDF_DEFAULT_DATASET_ID The identifier of the dataset ID. 3931920688237191
workflow_downloader_filter NEAT_WORKFLOW_DOWNLOADER_FILTER The filter used to download workflows tag:grid, tag:power
log_level NEAT_LOG_LEVEL Log level for neat, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG INFO
load_examples NEAT_LOAD_EXAMPLES If Trues , NEAT loads default examples during app startup True