Logical Reference#
This document is a reference for the logical data model. It was last generated 2024-12-06.
The logical data model has the following sheets: - Metadata: Metadata for the logical data model - Properties: List of properties - Classes: List of classes - prefixes: the definition of the prefixes that are used in the semantic data model
Metadata Sheet#
Metadata for the logical data model
Field | Description | Mandatory |
space | The space where the data model is defined | Yes |
externalId | External identifier for the data model | Yes |
version | Version of the data model | Yes |
name | Human readable name of the data model | No |
description | Short description of the data model | No |
creator | List of contributors (comma seperated) to the data model creation, typically information architects are considered as contributors. | Yes |
created | Date of the data model creation | Yes |
updated | Date of the data model update | Yes |
physical | Link to the physical data model aspect | No |
conceptual | Link to the conceptual data model aspect | No |
Properties Sheet#
List of properties
Column Name | Description | Mandatory |
Neat ID | Globally unique identifier for the property | No |
Class | Class id that the property is defined for, strongly advise PascalCase usage. |
Yes |
Property | Property id, strongly advised to camelCase usage. |
Yes |
Name | Human readable name of the property. | No |
Description | Short description of the property. | No |
Value Type | Value type that the property can hold. It takes either subset of XSD type or a class defined. | Yes |
Min Count | Minimum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is 0 , which means that the property is optional. |
No |
Max Count | Maximum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is inf , which means that the property can hold any number of values (listable). |
No |
Default | Default value of the property. | No |
Transformation | The rule that is used to populate the data model. The rule is provided in a RDFPath query syntax which is converted to downstream solution query (e.g. SPARQL). | No |
Inherited | Flag to indicate if the property is inherited, only use for internal purposes | Yes |
physical | Link to the class representation in the physical data model aspect | No |
conceptual | Link to the conceptual data model aspect | No |
Classes Sheet#
List of classes
Column Name | Description | Mandatory |
Neat ID | Globally unique identifier for the property | No |
Class | Class id being defined, use strongly advise PascalCase usage. |
Yes |
Name | Human readable name of the class. | No |
Description | Short description of the class. | No |
Implements | List of classes (comma separated) that the current class implements (parents). | No |
physical | Link to the class representation in the physical data model aspect | No |
conceptual | Link to the conceptual data model aspect | No |