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Logical Reference#

This document is a reference for the logical data model. It was last generated 2024-12-06.

The logical data model has the following sheets: - Metadata: Metadata for the logical data model - Properties: List of properties - Classes: List of classes - prefixes: the definition of the prefixes that are used in the semantic data model

Metadata Sheet#

Metadata for the logical data model

Field Description Mandatory
space The space where the data model is defined Yes
externalId External identifier for the data model Yes
version Version of the data model Yes
name Human readable name of the data model No
description Short description of the data model No
creator List of contributors (comma seperated) to the data model creation, typically information architects are considered as contributors. Yes
created Date of the data model creation Yes
updated Date of the data model update Yes
physical Link to the physical data model aspect No
conceptual Link to the conceptual data model aspect No

Properties Sheet#

List of properties

Column Name Description Mandatory
Neat ID Globally unique identifier for the property No
Class Class id that the property is defined for, strongly advise PascalCase usage. Yes
Property Property id, strongly advised to camelCase usage. Yes
Name Human readable name of the property. No
Description Short description of the property. No
Value Type Value type that the property can hold. It takes either subset of XSD type or a class defined. Yes
Min Count Minimum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is 0, which means that the property is optional. No
Max Count Maximum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is inf, which means that the property can hold any number of values (listable). No
Default Default value of the property. No
Transformation The rule that is used to populate the data model. The rule is provided in a RDFPath query syntax which is converted to downstream solution query (e.g. SPARQL). No
Inherited Flag to indicate if the property is inherited, only use for internal purposes Yes
physical Link to the class representation in the physical data model aspect No
conceptual Link to the conceptual data model aspect No

Classes Sheet#

List of classes

Column Name Description Mandatory
Neat ID Globally unique identifier for the property No
Class Class id being defined, use strongly advise PascalCase usage. Yes
Name Human readable name of the class. No
Description Short description of the class. No
Implements List of classes (comma separated) that the current class implements (parents). No
physical Link to the class representation in the physical data model aspect No
conceptual Link to the conceptual data model aspect No