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Rules is the core object in NEAT, which contains semantic data model definitions and optionally instructions on how to create the data model instances (aka, populate data model). This object is typically serialized as a spreadsheet file (Excel) which provides a simple and intuitive way to create a semantic data model. The spreadsheet obeys specific template, which represents the Rules object. The template is designed to be user-friendly and to provide a simple way to define a semantic data model, offering a familiar environment for users who are not familiar with semantic data modeling.

To lower the entry barrier for the users, Rules are designed to be as simple as possible and profiled based on the role that a person has in the data modeling process. Consider consulting the data modeling lifecycle tutorial for more detail on the process. The profiles are:

  • Domain Expert
  • Information Architect
  • DMS CDF Architect

The level of details that are requested from the user grows with the role that the user has in the data modeling process. Accordingly, we will dive into the details of the Rules object per role in the following sections, which will be presented through the spreadsheet serialization of the Rules object.

Rules are composed of the following sheets, which based on the role (profile) are mandatory and/or optional or require various levels of details:

  • Metadata: contains metadata about the data model and how NEAT should validate it.
  • Classes: contains the high-level definition of the classes that are part of the semantic data model (no properties)
  • Properties: contains the definition of the properties per class
  • Views: contains the definition of the CDF views that represent semantic data model serialization in CDF
  • Containers: contains the definition of the CDF containers that are physical storage for data written/read in/from views
  • Prefixes: contains the definition of the prefixes that are used in the semantic data model

The spreadsheet templates for the Rules object per role are accessible through the following links:

In addition, a semantic data model may relate to other semantic data models, for example, a previous iteration of the same data model or a data model that is the basis for the current data model. In such cases, there will be multiple sets of Rules objects. In a spreadsheet serialization, the different Rules object are distinguished by a prefix in the sheet name. The following prefixes are used:

  • No prefix: The main Rules, object often referred to as the user or current Rules object.
  • Last: The previous iteration of the user Rules object.
  • Ref: (short for Reference) A Rules object that is referenced by the user Rules object.

For more information about how these different Rules objects are used, see the Rules Validation.

Metadata sheet#

Field Description Predefined Value Mandatory
role Role of the person domain expert Yes
creator Names of data model creators separated with comma Yes


More details on Domain Expert Profile Metadata sheet usage can be found here!

Field Description Predefined Value Mandatory
role The role of the person domain expert Yes
creator Names of data model creators separated with comma Yes
schema Indication of the data model completeness complete, partial or extended Yes
dataModelType data model type, two options enterprise or solution enterprise or solution Yes
extension Only relevant if schema=exented, indicates type of extension addition, reshape or rebuild No
namespace Data model namespace provided as URI Yes
prefix Data model prefix which is used as a short form of the namespace Yes
version Version of the data model Yes
created Date model creation date Yes
updated Date model last update date Yes
title Title of the data model No
description Short description of the data model No
license License of the data model No
rights Usage right of the data model No


More details on Information Architect Profile Metadata sheet usage can be found here!

Field Description Predefined Value Mandatory
role The role of the person dms expert Yes
creator Names of data model creators separated with comma Yes
dataModelType data model type, two options enterprise or solution enterprise or solution Yes
schema Indication of schema completeness complete, partial or extended Yes
extension Only relevant if schema=exented, indicates type of extension. addition, reshape or rebuild No
space CDF space to which data model belongs Yes
externalId External id used to uniquely identify data model within a space Yes
version Version of the data model Yes
created Date model creation date Yes
updated Date model last update date Yes
name Name of the data model No
description Short description of the data model No


More details on DMS Architect Profile Metadata sheet usage can be found here!


For a more detailed explanation of the dataModelType, schema and extension see Rules Validation.


In addition, the schema and extension controls how excel rules are inputted.

Classes sheet#

The class sheet is not mandatory for the domain expert profile, but if used should follow the Information Architect profile Classes sheet.

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Class Class id being defined, use strongly advise PascalCase usage Yes
Name Human readable name of the class No
Description Short description of the class Yes
Parent Class Parent class id, used for property inheritance No
Reference Reference to the source of the class provided as URI No
Match Type The match type between the source entity and the class exact or partial No


More details on Information Architect Profile Classes sheet usage can be found here!

Properties sheet#

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Class Class id that the property is defined for, strongly advise PascalCase usage Yes
Property Property id, strongly advised to camelCase usage Yes
Name Human readable name of the property No
Description Short description of the property Yes
Value Type Value type that the property can hold. It takes either subset of XSD type (see note below) or a class defined XSD Types or Class id Yes
Min Count Minimum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is 0, which means that the property is optional. Yes
Max Count Maximum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is inf, which means that the property can hold any number of values (listable). Yes

XSD Value Types

The following XSD types are supported: boolean, float, double ,integer ,nonPositiveInteger ,nonNegativeInteger ,negativeInteger ,long ,string ,langString ,anyURI ,normalizedString ,token ,dateTime ,dateTimeStamp and date. In addition to the subset of XSD types, the following value types are supported: timeseries, file , sequence and json


More details on Domain Expert Profile Properties sheet usage can be found here!

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Class Class id that the property is defined for, strongly advise PascalCase usage Yes
Property Property id, strongly advised to camelCase usage Yes
Name Human readable name of the property No
Description Short description of the property Yes
Value Type Value type that the property can hold. It takes either subset of XSD type (see note below) or a class defined XSD Types or Class id Yes
Min Count Minimum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is 0, which means that the property is optional. Yes
Max Count Maximum number of values that the property can hold. If no value is provided, the default value is inf, which means that the property can hold any number of values (listable). Yes
Default Specifies default value for the property. No
Transformation The rule that is used to populate the data model. The rule is provided in a RDFPath query syntax which is converted to downstream solution query (e.g. SPARQL) No
Reference Reference to the source of the property provided as URI No
Match Type The match type between the source entity and the class exact or partial No

XSD Value Types

The following XSD types are supported: boolean, float, double ,integer ,nonPositiveInteger ,nonNegativeInteger ,negativeInteger ,long ,string ,langString ,anyURI ,normalizedString ,token ,dateTime ,dateTimeStamp and date. In addition to the subset of XSD types, the following value types are supported: timeseries, file , sequence and json

Data model population rule

The Transformation column are used to populate the data model using NEAT graph store. Currently we only support RDFPath query syntax.


More details on Information Architect Profile Properties sheet usage can be found here!

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Class (linage) Class id that the property is defined for, strongly advise PascalCase usage Yes
Property (linage) Property id, strongly advised to camelCase usage Yes
Name Human readable name of the property No
Description Short description of the property Yes
Value Type Value type that the property can hold. It takes either subset of CDF primitive types (see note below) or a View id (== Class id) CDF Primitive Types of ViewID/ClassID Yes
Connection Only applies to connection between classes (== views). It specify how the connection should be implemented in CDF. direct, edge(...), or reverse(...) No
Nullable Used to indicate whether the property is required or not. Only applies to primitive type. No
Immutable Used to indicate whether the property is can only be set once. Only applies to primitive type. No
Is List Used to indicate whether the property holds single or multiple values (list). Only applies to primitive types No
Default Specifies default value for the property. No
Reference Reference to the source of the property provided as URI No
Match Type The match type between the source entity and the class exact or partial No
Container Specifies container in which instances of given class/view are being stored in No
Container Property Specifies under which property instances of given class/view property are being stored under No
Index The name of the index the property is part of No
Constraints Constraint for given property No
View View id to which property is being defined for Yes
View Property View property for which property is being defined for Yes

CDF Primitive Types

The following CDF primitive types are supported: boolean,float32,float64,int32,int64,text,timestamp,timeseries,file,sequence,json``token ,dateTime ,dateTimeStamp and date.


More details on DMS Architect Profile Properties sheet usage can be found here!


More details can be found here!

Views sheet#

This sheet is only used for the DMS/CDF Architect, and it is mandatory. The sheet should have the following columns:

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Class (linage) Class id, originally coming from Information Architect sheet, used for linage. strongly advised to PascalCase usage Yes
View View id, strongly advised to PascalCase usage Yes
Name Human readable name of the view being defined No
Description Short description of the view being defined Yes
Implements List of parent view ids which the view being defined implements No
Filter Filter(s) which the view being defined should use hasData, nodeType, '' No
In Model Indicates whether the view being defined is a part of the data model True, False No


More details on DMS Architect Profile Views sheet usage can be found here!


More details can be found here!

Containers sheet#

This sheet is only used for the DMS/CDF Architect, and it is optional. The sheet should have the following columns:

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Class (linage) Class id, originally coming from Information Architect sheet, used for linage. strongly advised to PascalCase usage Yes
Container Container id, strongly advised to PascalCase usage Yes
Name Human readable name of the container being defined No
Description Short description of the node being defined No
Constraint Constraint to be applied on the container being defined No
Used For Whether the container is used for nodes, edges or all node, edge, all No


More details on DMS Architect Profile Containers sheet usage can be found here!

Node sheet#

This sheet is only used for the DMS Architect, and it is optional. The sheet should have the following columns:

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Node The type of the node Yes
Usage What the usage of the node is in the data model type Yes
Name Human readable name of the node being defined No
Description Short description of the node being defined No

Enum sheet#

This sheet is only used for the DMS Architect, and it is optional. The sheet should have the following columns: It is used to define the enumeration values for a property.

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Collection The collection this enum value belongs to Yes
Value The enum value Yes
Name Human readable name of the enum value being defined No
Description Short description of the enum value being defined No

Prefixes sheet#

The Prefixes sheet is only used for the Information Architect profile when there is a need to specify the prefixes that are used in the semantic data model. The sheet should have the following columns:

Column Description Predefined Value Mandatory
Prefix Prefix that is used in the semantic data model Yes
Namespace Namespace that the prefix represents provided as URI Yes