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cognite.neat._issues.warnings.user_modeling #

These are user modeling warnings. These warnings will not cause the resulting model to be invalid, but will likely lead to suboptimal performance, unnecessary complexity, or other issues.

ViewsAndDataModelNotInSameSpaceWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

The data model is in {data_model_space}, while views are in {views_spaces} space(s). This is strongly discouraged as it can lead to confusion and unnecessary complexity.

DirectRelationMissingSourceWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

The view {view_id}.{prop_name} is a direct relation without a source. Direct relations in views should point to a single other view, if not, you end up with a more complex model than necessary.

ParentInDifferentSpaceWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

The view {view_id} has multiple parents in different spaces. Neat recommends maximum one implementation of a view from another space.

EmptyContainerWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

Container {container_id} is empty and will be skipped. The container does not have any properties.

HasDataFilterOnNoPropertiesViewWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

Cannot set hasData filter on view {view_id}. The view does not have properties in any containers. Use a node type filter instead.

NodeTypeFilterOnParentViewWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

Setting a node type filter on parent view {view_id}. This is not recommended as parent views are typically used for multiple types of nodes.

HasDataFilterOnViewWithReferencesWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

Setting a hasData filter on view {view_id} which references other views {references}. This is not recommended as it will lead to no nodes being returned when querying the solution view. Use a NodeType filter instead.

ContainerPropertyLimitWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

The number of properties in the {container_id} view is {count} which is more than the API limit {limit} properties. This can lead to performance issues. Reduce the number of properties in the view.

NotNeatSupportedFilterWarning dataclass #

Bases: UserModelingWarning

The view {view_id} uses a non-standard filter. This will not be validated by Neat, and is thus not recommended. If you can use a HasData or NoteType filter.