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cognite.neat._issues.errors #

NeatError dataclass #

Bases: NeatIssue, Exception

This is the base class for all exceptions (errors) used in Neat.

AuthorizationError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, RuntimeError

Missing authorization for {action}: {reason}

CDFMissingClientError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, RuntimeError

CDF client is required: {reason}

CDFMissingResourcesError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, RuntimeError

Following CDF resources are missing: {resources}

FileMissingRequiredFieldError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, ValueError

Missing required {field_name} in {filepath}: {field}

FileNotAFileError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, FileNotFoundError

{filepath} is not a file

FileNotFoundNeatError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, FileNotFoundError

File {filepath} not found

FileReadError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, RuntimeError

Error when reading file, {filepath}: {reason}

FileTypeUnexpectedError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, TypeError

Unexpected file type: {filepath}. Expected format: {expected_format}

NeatYamlError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, YAMLError

Invalid YAML: {reason}

OxigraphStorageLockedError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, RuntimeError

Oxigraph on-disk storage locked at the path {filepath}

NeatImportError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, ImportError

The functionality requires {module}. You can include it in your neat installation with pip install "cognite-neat[{neat_extra}]".

NeatTypeError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, TypeError


NeatValueError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, ValueError


RegexViolationError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, ValueError

The value '{value}' failed regex, {regex}, validation in {location}. Make sure that the name follows the regex pattern.

PropertyDefinitionDuplicatedError dataclass #

Bases: PropertyError[T_Identifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier {identifier} has multiple definitions for the property {property_name} with values {property_values}

PropertyDefinitionError dataclass #

Bases: PropertyError[T_Identifier]

Invalid property definition for {resource_type} {identifier}.{property_name}: {reason}

PropertyMappingDuplicatedError dataclass #

Bases: PropertyError[T_Identifier], Generic[T_Identifier, T_ReferenceIdentifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier {identifier}.{property_name} is mapped to by: {mappings}. Ensure that only one {mapping_type} maps to {resource_type} {identifier}.{property_name}

PropertyNotFoundError dataclass #

Bases: PropertyError, Generic[T_Identifier, T_ReferenceIdentifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier {identifier} does not have a property {property_name}

PropertyTypeNotSupportedError dataclass #

Bases: PropertyError[T_Identifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier {identifier} has a property {property_name} of unsupported type {property_type}

ReversedConnectionNotFeasibleError dataclass #

Bases: PropertyError[T_Identifier]

The {resource_type} {identifier}.{property_name} cannot be created: {reason}

ResourceChangedError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError[T_Identifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier {identifier} has changed{changed}

ResourceConversionError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError, ValueError

Failed to convert the {resource_type} {identifier} to {target_format}: {reason}

ResourceCreationError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError[T_Identifier], ValueError

Failed to create {resource_type} with identifier {identifier}. The error was: {error}

ResourceDuplicatedError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError[T_Identifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier {identifier} is duplicated in {location}

ResourceError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, Generic[T_Identifier], RuntimeError

Base class for resource errors {resource_type} with identifier {identifier}

ResourceMissingIdentifierError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, ValueError

The {resource_type} with name {name} is missing an identifier.

ResourceNotDefinedError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError[T_Identifier]

The {resource_type} {identifier} is not defined in the {location}

ResourceNotFoundError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError, Generic[T_Identifier, T_ReferenceIdentifier]

The {resource_type} with identifier '{identifier}' does not exist

ResourceRetrievalError dataclass #

Bases: ResourceError[T_Identifier]

Failed to retrieve {resource_type} with identifier {identifier}. The error was: {error}

MetadataValueError dataclass #

Bases: SpreadsheetError

In field {field_name}: {error}

SpreadsheetError dataclass #

Bases: NeatError, ValueError, ABC

In row {row}: {error}